PDF Version I. Patent and Copyright Policy A. Preamble As a state-supported institution of higher learning, the University of Arkansas has a responsibility for and an interest in the advancement of knowledge and creative work that will enhance its educational mission and promote the economic and social welfare of the public it serves, particularly the people of the State of Arkansas. This responsibility and interest are advanced by engaging in research, the results of which may, on … [Read more...] about 210.1 – Patent and Copyright Policy
Board Policy
100.2. Constitutional Provisions Pertaining to University of Arkansas
PDF Version (Either naming "University of Arkansas" or Using Language "Institutions of Higher Learning") Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 33 Boards and Commissions Governing State Institutions Sec. 1. Term of office of members.-- The term of office of members of the boards or commissions charged with the management or control of all charitable, penal or correctional institutions and institutions of higher learning of the State of Arkansas, now in existence or hereafter created, shall … [Read more...] about 100.2. Constitutional Provisions Pertaining to University of Arkansas
100.1 Preface, Acts of Arkansas of 1871, Act XLIV 3.27.1871
PDF Version An act for the location, organization and maintenance of the Arkansas Industrial University, with a normal department therein. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas: Section 1. That the treasurer of said state be a financial agent and trustee of said state, immediately after the passage of this act, to apply for and receive of the United States government all the land scrip to which this state may be entitled by reason of her acceptance of the … [Read more...] about 100.1 Preface, Acts of Arkansas of 1871, Act XLIV 3.27.1871