LITTLE ROCK (Monday, Feb. 28, 2022) — University of Arkansas System President Dr. Donald R. Bobbitt named Tara Smith, of North Little Rock, to take over as chief financial officer of the UA System beginning March 1. Smith is currently the finance and procurement lead with the UA System’s ongoing enterprise resource planning (ERP) project implementation, and was previously the CFO/vice chancellor for finance at the University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College and deputy director at the … [Read more...] about Bobbitt Names Smith to Take Over UA System Chief Financial Officer Post
Policy Updates Proposed for March 16-17 Board Meeting
In keeping with a recent effort to review and update Board of Trustees policies to align with current law and practice, below are Board Policy amendments planned for presentation to UA System trustees at the March 16-17 regular Board meeting. Feedback regarding the proposed changes can be submitted to or through the General Counsel’s Office. Click the links below to view the proposed changes in red. The proposed policy amendments include: Revised Board Policy 230.1 … [Read more...] about Policy Updates Proposed for March 16-17 Board Meeting
Applications Invited for Student Grants from Endowment Honoring Retired Clinton School Dean
Students from across the University of Arkansas System are invited to submit applications for mini-grants awarded through an endowment honoring James L. “Skip” Rutherford III upon his retirement as dean of the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service in 2021. Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to students for expenses such as technology, conference registration, interview expenses, travel, test preparation, books, equipment or other supplies where a student can demonstrate … [Read more...] about Applications Invited for Student Grants from Endowment Honoring Retired Clinton School Dean
Gibson to Chair UA Board; Other Officers and Committees Set for Coming Year
LITTLE ROCK (Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022) — The Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas elected new officers at its Jan. 26-27 regularly scheduled meeting, and C.C. “Cliff” Gibson III, of Monticello, will serve as chairman of the 10-member board for the upcoming year. Gibson, other officers and members of a new slate of Board committees appointed by Gibson will start their new roles beginning March 1. In addition to Gibson being elected as chairman, the trustees voted for Morril Harriman … [Read more...] about Gibson to Chair UA Board; Other Officers and Committees Set for Coming Year
UA – Pulaski Tech Chancellor Ellibee to Retire June 30
NORTH LITTLE ROCK (Jan. 13, 2022) — Margaret Ellibee, Ph.D., chancellor of University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College, today announced her retirement from the college, effective June 30, 2022. Dr. Ellibee has led the college since becoming president of then-Pulaski Technical College on Aug. 1, 2012. Her title changed to chancellor with the college’s merger with the University of Arkansas System Feb. 1, 2017. READ MORE FROM UA-PTC The University of Arkansas System will be leading a … [Read more...] about UA – Pulaski Tech Chancellor Ellibee to Retire June 30