The UA System universities and two-year colleges each have a chancellor as chief executive officer. The titles of the leaders of other affiliated UA System units are indicated below. The chancellors and unit leaders are responsible for enforcement of policies and procedures, budgets, regulations and carrying out decisions of the Board of Trustees.

Chancellor Charles Robinson
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Dr. Charles Robinson was named interim chancellor on Aug. 9, 2021 and permanent chancellor on Nov. 16, 2022. He previously led the UA, Fayetteville campus’s academic enterprise in addition to the 25 departments that comprise the Division of Student Affairs. He has served as provost since July 2020 and as vice chancellor of student affairs since 2015.
Robinson’s time at the U of A spans more than 20 years, beginning as an assistant professor of history. Robinson earned a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Houston, a master’s degree in history from Rice University, and a doctorate in history from the University of Houston. A full bio can be found here.

Chancellor Christina Drale
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Dr. Christina Drale serves as Chancellor for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Prior to this appointment, she was the Interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost at UA Little Rock. As the university’s chief academic officer, she oversaw the administration, coordination, and development of all academic functions of the university.

Chancellor Cam Patterson
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Cam Patterson, M.D., took over as chancellor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences on June 1, 2018 after serving as senior vice president and chief operating officer at Weill-Cornell Medical Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital. A cardiologist, Patterson previously held numerous academic and clinical appointments at the University of North Carolina, including as physician-in-chief at the UNC Center for Heart and Vascular Care and executive director of the UNC McAllister Heart Institute.

Chancellor Peggy Doss
University of Arkansas at Monticello
Dr. Peggy Doss took over as chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Monticello on Jan. 1, 2020 after serving many years as provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. She also served for a decade as dean of the School of Education and as vice chancellor for student affairs and university relations after working in public education as a teacher and administrator. Doss holds degrees from three UA System institutions.

Chancellor Terisa C. Riley
University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
Dr. Terisa C. Riley is the Chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith (UAFS). She assumed her duties on July 1, 2019. Prior to her appointment as UAFS Chancellor, Riley served as Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and University Administration at Texas A&M University – Kingsville, as well as holding previous positions as the institution’s chief student affairs officer, chief financial officer, chief administrator, and chief enrollment management officer. Over her 25-year career, Riley has held numerous other appointments in higher education and in her community.

Interim Chancellor Andrea Stewart
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Dr. Andrea Stewart was named interim chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff on July 1, 2024. She has been in higher education administration for more than 35 years, and is the provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs since August 2022. Prior to that, she was the dean of the UAPB School of Arts & Sciences beginning in 2013, providing leadership to 12 academic departments. She served as coordinator/director of the social work program for 25 years, leading its initial accreditation and subsequent reaffirmations. Stewart served as interim Chairperson of the Department of Social & Behavioral Sciences and president of UAPB’s Faculty and Staff Senate. Stewart received a Doctorate in Social Work from Howard University, a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), and a Bachelor’s Degree in sociology with a minor in psychology from UALR.

Chancellor Lindsay Bridgeman
University of Arkansas Grantham
Lindsay Bridgeman is chancellor of UA Grantham, which joined the UA System in November 2021. She is a seasoned leader with more than 20 years of higher education administrative experience in both private nonprofit and for-profit institutions. With specialized experience in student finance administration, Bridgeman has held critical roles with a variety of institutions, all of which were focused on enabling a positive student experience throughout the entire educational journey.
Two-Year Colleges

Chancellor G. Keith Pinchback
Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas
G. Keith Pinchback, Ed.D., became the as the fourth chancellor at Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas (PCCUA) in July 2015, having previously served as vice chancellor of institutional advancement at Arkansas State University-Beebe since 2001.
Chancellor Christine Holt
University of Arkansas Community College at Hope-Texarkana
Dr. Christine Holt was named chancellor at UAHT in May 2021 and joined the campus in August. She earned a Doctorate in Business Administration at the University of Missouri at St. Louis and also holds a Juris Doctorate from Cleveland State University, a Master of Arts in Adult Education from East Carolina University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Capital University.

Chancellor Brian Shonk
University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville
Dr. Brian Shonk was named chancellor at UACCB in 2021. He earned two associate degrees in criminal justice and electronics technology from Northwest Florida State College (NWFSC) and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Troy University. He received a Master of Public Administration degree and a doctorate in education, curriculum and instruction from the University of West Florida.

Chancellor Steve Cole
Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas
Dr. Steve Cole has served as chancellor at Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas since 2010. He began his career at the college in 1997 as a member of the business faculty. He was named division chair of Adult, Distance, and Secondary Education in 2001, division chair of Business in 2003, and vice chancellor and dean of academics in 2007.

Chancellor Lisa Willenberg
University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton
Lisa Willenberg became chancellor at the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton (UACCM) on Nov. 1, 2019. Willenberg has served at UACCM for 27 years, starting as a general accountant and later becoming a vice chancellor in 2011. She earned her Masters of Education at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Central Arkansas. She also graduated from the College Business Management Institute at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

Chancellor Summer DeProw
University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College
Summer DeProw, Ph.D., was named chancellor at UA-Pulaski Tech in January 2023. Previously she served as UA-PTC’s Provost and before arriving at UA-PTC, Dr. DeProw served as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Assessment and Accreditation at Arkansas State University (A-State) in Jonesboro. She had been with A-State for six years and started as the Director of Assessment. She was promoted to Assistant Vice Chancellor after two years in the Director’s position.

Chancellor Phillip Wilson
University of Arkansas Rich Mountain
Dr. Phillip Wilson, Ed.D., became chancellor at UA-Rich Mountain in 2011 after having served in several other academic and administrative roles at the college. He graduated high school in nearby Oden and earned a Political Science degree from Hendrix College. He worked in the private technical sector in Dallas after college before moving to Mena to join the faculty at UA-Rich Mountain. Dr. Wilson earned MBA and doctorate degrees in higher education from the University of Arkansas.
Other Units

Director Corey Alderdice
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts
Corey Alderdice has served as the director of ASMSA since 2012 and is the school’s longest-tenured executive administrator. During his time at ASMSA, Alderdice has advanced the school’s legislated arts mission, expanded statewide outreach programs, and continued a $35 million physical transformation of campus facilities. He was previously a founding administrator at the Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky.

Director Cheryl P. May
Dr. Cheryl P. May has served as director of the Criminal Justice Institute since 2009. She has 29 years experience as a forensic professional having previously served as deputy director, assistant director and program manager at CJI.

Director Alex Barker
Dr. Alex Barker was named director in November 2021. He earned a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from Marquette University, a master’s degree in anthropology from Wichita State University and a doctorate degree in anthropology from the University of Michigan. He most recently served for 14 years as director of the Museum of Art & Archaeology at the University of Missouri and was also vice president for collections and research and curator of North American Archaeology at the Milwaukee Public Museum.

Vice President Deacue Fields
Deacue Fields, Ph.D. was named Vice President in April 2022. Previously, he was dean of the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences at UA, Fayetteville since 2017. He is a former professor and chair of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at Auburn University.
He was previously associate professor and coordinator of the Alabama Farm Analysis Program with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at Auburn for almost two years.

Dean Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto
University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service
Victoria DeFrancesco Soto, Ph.D., was named dean in 2021. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and Latin American studies at the University of Arizona and master’s and doctorate degrees in political science at Duke University. She previously served as assistant dean for civic engagement and a senior lecturer at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the UT. She is a contributor to MSNBC, Telemundo and She has also provided on-air analysis for PBS, CNN, Fox, Univision and NPR, as well as contributions to other national publications.

Executive Director Janet Harris
Winthrop Rockefeller Institute
Janet Harris was named executive director at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute on April 1, 2022. She previously served at the the Institute as director of programs, followed by a promotion to chief programs and marketing officer in 2018 and as chief strategy officer.