Chancellor Laurence B. Alexander
Dr. Laurence Alexander became chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff on July 1, 2013. The former associate dean of the Graduate School and director of the Office of Minority Programs at the University of Florida, Alexander was a distinguished teaching scholar and a professor in the Department of Journalism at Florida and chair the Graduate Curriculum Committee before joining UAPB.
At Florida, Alexander directed more than 20 student development and funding programs, including the UF McKnight Doctoral Fellowships and the National Science Foundation LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate. He also led the Graduate School’s program in recruitment, retention, success and graduation of underrepresented minority students. Previously, he served as chair of the Department of Journalism at the University of Florida and coordinator of journalism in the English Department at the University of New Orleans.
A native of New Orleans, Alexander received a bachelor’s degree in drama and communications from the University of New Orleans, master’s degree in journalism and communications from the University of Florida, Juris Doctor from Tulane University and Ph.D. in higher education from Florida State University.